Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 2 results

 Week 2 Recap:
So after my little rant on Black Friday, we are back to the MGS challenge! This week was especially challenging not only because of Thanksgiving, working at both jobs for Black Friday, but also the loss of my Uncle Kerry this week. He was a really cool guy and I'll miss him, he's the reason I started watching Red Green and despite all of the crap he gave me I knew deep down he thought I was alright. Overall though, I improved my diet by only going out to eat Friday, otherwise I've been trying to eat healthier meals at home whenever possible and it feels like it's working. Today (Sunday) I took the adult version of the presidential fitness test, I don't feel I did too bad, and by doing it I knocked out my 2 tests for my 100pushups/200 situps plan by doing 1:00 reps as quickly as possible for the test. My results are below:

Congratulations! You scored above average on 1 of the 4 elements of the adult fitness test. Your score was average or below average for your age on 3 of the 4 tests. You may wish to talk with a fitness or exercise professional about activities you can do to improve your performance on these tests. Keep up the good work! Remember to be active every day and work to maintain a healthy weight.
Your aerobic fitness is below what is recommended for good physical health for persons of your age and gender. For health purposes, it is recommended that you increase your physical activity to improve your aerobic capacity.
Fitness Component
Test Event
Your Results
Your Score
Aerobic Fitness*
1.5-Mile Run
Muscular Strength
Half Sit-Ups

Overall Score (based on percentile average)

Body Composition
Overweight, Increased Risk of Disease
Waist Circumference

 With that said, my results for this week: *Starting stats in parenthesis

Current Weight: 152.2(151.2 lbs)
Waist 31.5 (34 inches)
Hips 35(37 inches)
Biceps 11.5(11 inches)
Legs18.5 (18 inches)
Neck 15(14 inches)
Body Fat  16.7%(21.68%)

Thoughts on week 3:
I realize that I'm writing this on a Sunday night which technically could still be considered part of week 2, but I wanted to log in my results so I don't forget to do it. I only work at one job this week so I should be able to get all my workouts in and maybe do a little bit more dependent on how I'm scheduled the rest of the week. I'm hoping to improve on my running speed, I can run for about 3 minutes at 7mph now, which is a huge improvement from when I started, I've found I'm usually gassed by then though so I've been trying to keep it around 6-6.5 when setting a run speed so I can finish the program without taking shortcuts. Here's to a prosperous week 3!

Days remaining: 86

Confused about my fitness challenge? Read this

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Black Friday Rant

WARNING: This particular blog is gonna contain some stuff that might offend some of you, if you are easily offended or have a heart condition, come back in a week when I resume my fitness updates or write about something in a non-ranting format.

Not a rant about Rebecca Black's song Friday, but seriously don't get me started on that.
Black Friday, or the day after America's Thanksgiving holiday, not to be confused with the Steely Dan song by the same name is the purest form of evil ever created. Known to retailers as the busiest shopping day of the year, retailers use this day to make up sales for the year by "slashing prices" and offering "doorbuster deals!" Basically, it's a bunch of corporate fatcats saying, you know what would get people into our stores? Let's make our employees work at ungodly hours while the consumers being the bunch of cattle that they are trample each other to save a few bucks on crap they don't fucking need! Target and Wal-Mart are the biggest douchebags in all of this, opening at 8pm on Thanksgiving. Yeah, fuck the people that work there, people can't wait a fucking day to go "save" money on "stocking stuffers", they need to go out on a day you're supposed to be celebrating spending time with your families and giving thanks. The only thanks being given that day are by soccer moms and the elderly so they can ditch the Cowboys game and spend their night being a complete dick to other people and retail employees. I used to work at a toy store during black Friday, let me tell you, it was the saddest thing I've ever seen. The store opened at 5am, meaning employees had to be there by 4:30am. No sooner than 5:00am hit my boss tried, and I do mean tried to open the gate to the store, only to be trampled by fucking nut jobs trying to save 10 dollars on a fucking Razor scooter, do kids even ride those things anymore?! I mean seriously, you're gonna run someone over to save 10 fucking dollars? And this was pre-Bush, before the economy hit an all time low and guys like me had to work 2 jobs to pay their bills. Here's what I think all of these ass hats should go do:
All of these people are jackasses. 

Take all the money you "save" and donate to a food shelf, the salvation army, Toys for Tots, something, to make up for the fact you are indeed a worthless piece of crap sucking all the life out of the rest of us and deserve to have those "stocking stuffers" shoved up where the sun don't shine and take your "doorbuster deals" and shine those son of a bitches up real nice, and wait for it...shove them up your ass too! And so help me if you try to wish me a Merry Christmas...

/end rant.

Monday, November 19, 2012

End of week 1

Week 1 Recap:
Today marks the end of my first week of my fitness challenge to pass the FBI physical by February 19th. Honestly the first week wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it'd be. I've made a conscience effort to try to eat better, and while life has been kicking me while I'm down I'm trying to persevere. I've switched my workout schedule up a bit from what I originally planned on doing. I'm going to be doing run5k Tues/Thurs/Sat and the 100pushups/200situp programs on Mon/Wed/Fri in place of the rebel fitness guide, mainly because I hate squats and doing max reps gets boring for me, if I have a structured plan I know what I have to do and am more likely to do not sandbag because I don't want to push myself.

Thoughts on week 2:
This next week is gonna be a nightmare to get through, I just found out today that one of my uncles passed away, he was a pretty cool guy and I'm going to miss him. On top of that, I've been having issues between my 2 jobs with scheduling, Thanksgiving being this week and the whole "Black Friday" mess I'm going to have very little time to get things done.  Regardless of all the setbacks I'm going to have,whether they be emotional, physical,financial and or just overall time I want this more than anything right now, I need this. Accomplishing this goal is keeping me up at night, I wake up in the morning and all I can think is how I'm going to beat yesterday's mileage ran, or push ups/situps completed.

Days remaining: 91

Confused about my fitness challenge? Read this

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


So while paying bills the other day I realized that I had a gym membership that was sadly going to waste, and by going to waste, I mean I maybe go once every 2 weeks and that's when I'm feeling ambitious. After doing some number crunching and a bit of reading I think I found my solution to my problem. I have tried just about every exercise program you can think of, Stronglifts, P90X, Tae Bo, I even bought the perfect pushup! Honestly, I've spent quite a bit of time and money trying stuff that just didn't work for me. So you're asking yourself, how is this going to be different? What's stopping me from quitting after a week this time? This time, I've set a goal for myself. I'm going to work towards passing the requirements to become a FBI special agent. Will I join after reaching these goals? Most likely no, but it'll be a good feeling knowing that I'm going to be in the best physical shape I've ever been in and that alone is saying something.

I'm shooting for this, you know, sans the blonde hair and British charm

To reach a perfect score (40 points) I need to hit the following benchmarks:

1. Over 58 sit-ups in a 1 minute time span (I can currently do 25)
2. 40.9 seconds or below in a timed 300 meter sprint (no clue yet, I'm sure it's not 40.9 seconds though)
3. Over 71 pushups in a row (I'm currently averaging about 12-15 without stopping)
4. Running 1.5 miles in under 8:59 (I can currently run a mile in roughly 11 minutes, I think my best was around 10:34, tacking on the extra half mile we'll say I'm around 16:30 minutes)

While I realize that this isn't going to be something I can accurately set a time frame to, I'm giving myself until February 19th to score at least a 12 (which is passing.). My prize for reaching this milestone? The new Metal Gear Solid Uprising, oh and being in the best shape I've ever been in...or something.

Taken while visualizing Ivan Drago

I took photos and measurements from my first day which was Monday November 12th,2012

Current Weight: 151.2 lbs
Waist 34 inches
Hips 37 inches
Biceps 11 inches
Legs 18 inches
Neck 14 inches
Body Fat % 21.68

I'll post updates either weekly or bi-weekly depending on how much actual time I have. I'm currently keeping an excel spreadsheet with notes regarding my workouts and how I feel overall. Wish me luck guys, because hopefully, we'll be looking at a much better me.