So my good pal Travis over at "Dragons Are Delicious" wrote an article about his video game secrets, I figured since I haven't written anything in a while, I'd do mine as well. So here we go, some things you didn't know about me, in regards to video games...
-I never finished Super Mario Bros 2, Keith Courage in Alpha Zone, or about 85% of the other "retro" titles we owned as kids, I did however beat Kung-Fu on the NES, multiple times.
- I once stayed up 24 hours playing Daytona USA, I did over 300 laps, as the horse. (it was a cheat code on the Saturn)
-The only sega consoles I didn't own as a child were the 32X and the Game Gear, and to this day I still don't.
-I've never fully played through FF7, I got bored 10 minutes into it.
- I didn't beat Secret of Mana until I was in my 20s, and had to do it on an emulator at that ( the cart was valued over 80 bucks by the time I got a SNES)
-I've never played the Silent Hill series, I'm planning on rectifying this now that the HD collection is out, and finishing the Jak and Daxter games ( I did beat 1).
That's about all I've got, until I think of something else to write about...